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A Bad Week – Diet Fatigue? Complaisance? June 27, 2011

Posted by Optifast Blogger in Second month on Optifast.
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As I mentioned in my last post, the week just ending  included my first “cheat” (eating non-product) on the Optifast diet since starting the program in early May. In addition to the “popcorn incident” I also didn’t log food consumption after Wednesday last week, AND I didn’t wear my odometer all week. Re: the odometer, first I lost it, then it was in my purse not on my body, then on Saturday I was having a garage sale that didn’t involve many steps but was a lot of work (and some exercise) and I knew I wouldn’t have the energy to do anything else physical that day.

Now I’m back on product, wearing the odometer, and have already logged my products/food for today. So that’s good – back on track. But I’m wondering why last week was so bad, on so many fronts? Was it diet fatigue, that the novelty had worn off after 6 weeks, that I was tired of being good, and was just slacking off? Was it diet complaisance, that I thought I didn’t need to do the logging and exercise monitoring, and that a little eating off the program wouldn’t hurt?

Unfortunately, it is a pattern for me (and probably I’m not the only one) to drop out of “diets” after some weeks – some earlier, some later. I’m not dropping out of this one, obviously. But I need to spend some time thinking (reminding myself) about my long-term goals and the permanent changes I want to make in my life. I know this product phase isn’t permanent, but I want to get the most out of it, which means staying on the prescribed all-product diet.

Yes, the novelty is over, but it’s important to keep practicing the skills we are being encouraged (in our support group) to use, in terms of recording, monitoring, and not reaching for the salty fatty foods that are addictive. These are habits I need to incorporate into my life. I can see by other dieters’ blogs that they are part of the successful path to weight loss!

I’m going to blame any bad results at the weigh-in tomorrow night on water retention due to that salty popcorn!